Introducing Mrs. G

This blog is designed to help you deal with your everyday dilemas. Mrs. G has experience in handling trials, troubles, challenges, as well as can offer great advice and simple everyday solutions for your not so simple dilemas. Mrs. G is a creative "Genious" and is filled with never ending ideas. Ask Mrs. G and you will get a practical, no nonsence, moral, and ethical answer and solution. Mrs G. tells it as she sees it honestly and with no holes barred. You may not like what you hear, but maybe that is exactly what you need to hear!

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Mrs. G

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Learn the word, 'No!" Groceries, Meals, and Food Storage,

Anonymous said...
What a great opportunity for people to get answers to their questions and concerns. I have one for you. I have developed some talents with regard to computer graphic design. Everyone that knows me, knows of my skills. Every week, I have at least 2 - 6 individuals asking me to make a poster, project or flyer, handout, or even to teach computer classes. I have a full time job, and I give alot of service and I simply don't have the extra time to do all the things that people really should learn how to do for themselves. How can I say No, in a kind way without making people think I am a tyrant for not saying yes. Most graphic projects take anywhere from 3 - 5 hours to complete and all these extra hours, I simply cannot fit in my schedule. Please help. 23 April 2009 16:38

Mrs. G said... I too have been in your very situation and I do have advice for you. You need to be alittle gentler on yourself, and only you know what you can do and what you can't. It is ok to learn to say the words, "NO". If you do not ever extend yourself in service, then you are losing out on a great opportunity, but if you do your fair share and simply can't do it, have no qualms about saying, I am sorry, I cannot do that for you." One more thing, you don't need to offer explainations or excuses. Simply say, "No" as gracefully as possible. You can do it!
Best wishes!

Mrs. G.
23 April 2009

Anonymous said...
I seem to run out of money and groceries before the end of the month. What can I do? 23 April 2009 19:56
Mrs. G said... Do you have a monthly budget set for groceries? Do you schedule out your meals for the month and purchase what you need to have for cooking the meals? Do you go out to lunch or dinner frequently when it isn't in your monthly food budget? If you can answer no to any of these questions, the answer is to start doing this. Planning is the key to making your money and food budget last until the end of the month. There are also tons of blogs and websites that you can print coupons, get low cost recipes, find out what foods are on sale during the month and so much more. Do you have any food storage set aside? If not, set a budget to start the $5 a week plan and start getting your food storage in place. Then if you find yourself without any food money and no food, you can tap into your food storage supply to get you through until your next pay check.
Good luck,
Mrs. G
23 April 2009 20:02


Anonymous said...

What a great opportunity for people to get answers to their questions and concerns. I have one for you. I have developed some talents with regard to computer graphic design. Everyone that knows me, knows of my skills. Every week, I have at least 2 - 6 individuals asking me to make a poster, project or flyer, handout, or even to teach computer classes. I have a full time job, and I give alot of service and I simply don't have the extra time to do all the things that people really should learn how to do for themselves. How can I say No, in a kind way without making people think I am a tyrant for not saying yes. Most graphic projects take anywhere from 3 - 5 hours to complete and all these extra hours, I simply cannot fit in my schedule. Please help.

Mrs. G said...

I too have been in your very situation and I do have advice for you. You need to be alittle gentler on yourself, and only you know what you can do and what you can't. It is ok to learn to say the words, "NO". If you do not ever extend yourself in service, then you are losing out on a great opportunity, but if you do your fair share and simply can't do it, have no qualms about saying, I am sorry, I cannot do that for you." One more thing, you don't need to offer explainations or excuses. Simply say, "No" as gracefully as possible. You can do it! Best wishes! Mrs. G

Anonymous said...

I seem to run out of money and groceries before the end of the month. What can I do?

Mrs. G said...

Do you have a monthly budget set for groceries? Do you schedule out your meals for the month and purchase what you need to have for cooking the meals? Do you go out to lunch or dinner frequently when it isn't in your monthly food budget? If you can answer no to any of these questions, the answer is to start doing this. Planning is the key to making your money and food budget last until the end of the month. There are also tons of blogs and websites that you can print coupons, get low cost recipes, find out what foods are on sale during the month and so much more. Do you have any food storage set aside? If not, set a budget to start the $5 a week plan and start getting your food storage in place. Then if you find yourself without any food money and no food, you can tap into your food storage supply to get you through until your next pay check.

Anonymous said...

My 2 year old daughter is such a behavior problem. She is my only child so far, and we are a two parent family, but nothing either of us do seems to help our daughter not throw tantrums, hit and bite and be just plain naughty? Do you have any suggestions?

Mrs. G said...

Absolutely I have some suggestions for you! Have you heard of the "Terrible twos?" They are real and this is an important time to teach the proper behaviors and be consistant about it. Disciplining a two year old is hard because they really don't quite understand, but once again with Consistantcy, they will understand the pattern that if they misbehave, and understand what they are doing that is not good behavior, there will be a consequence. Both parents need to be together on this part or your child will get mixed messages.

Determine what you will do as a time out and make sure you are united or on the same page. For a 2 year old, usually a disapproving look and a harshly spoken "No" over time will change a bad behavior. Then turn and walk away. Children like to please, and won't like how this feels.

Another suggestion might be a time out, however it can't be for a very long time or your 2 year old child will forget why they are in time out. Find a particular place where the child will be taken to t spend their time out, one that is remote from where the rest of you will be, like a corner of a room or stairs or such. Tell them that they will sit there for 2 minutes or until they can stop crying or be ready to join the family without bad behavior. At first the child won't stay there and you will need to be firm in your efforts to keep the child in the time out place. Each time your child is placed there, they will realize it isn't a fun place to be and eventually their bad behavior will change as they think about having to be in time out.

Parents should not lose their temper but speak firmly and after the time out, talk briefly about why they were in time out, and ask if they want to be a big girl now and play nicely and be with the family.

Just be consistant and make sure that an out pouring of love is given once the behavior has changed positively. Treats don't hurt to give out from time to time either, but be careful as kids will learn to manipulate you for a treat. They are really smart and growing and learning, so do your best and you will be successful!