Introducing Mrs. G

This blog is designed to help you deal with your everyday dilemas. Mrs. G has experience in handling trials, troubles, challenges, as well as can offer great advice and simple everyday solutions for your not so simple dilemas. Mrs. G is a creative "Genious" and is filled with never ending ideas. Ask Mrs. G and you will get a practical, no nonsence, moral, and ethical answer and solution. Mrs G. tells it as she sees it honestly and with no holes barred. You may not like what you hear, but maybe that is exactly what you need to hear!

This blog is rated G and ABSOLUTELY NO Illicit materials, language, photos or otherwise inappropriate comments or questions will be tolerated or accepted . Responsible behavior and comments are required.

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Ok, lets get started.... Please ask your question by clicking on "Comment" below the daily posts or email your questions to Be concise and brief, in your question. Give only necessary details for me to answer your concerns. Check back within a day and your answer will be addressed. I can't wait to hear from you!
Mrs. G

Monday, 14 September 2009

Posting Notice

Because of lack of questions coming into me, I have decided that after the end of September, I will close down this blog. However, if questions begin pouring in then I will most likely reconsider. The fate of this blog lies in your hands. I would love to offer my solicited advice to help you, but I can't if you don't ask. How about making an attempt to ASK MRS.G and save the blog.

Best wishes,
Mrs. G

Being Bugged by unwanted emails

Dear Mrs. G,
I am constantly getting these unwanted emails from all kinds of people saying that they want me to help them because of their situation or they want to send me money or that I have won some kind of foreign lottery. I know that they are scams but I am so sick of getting them. If I get another email from one of these scammers, I am going to scream.

Love email, hate spammers

Dear Hating Spammers,
I can appreciate what you are saying. I think certain email carriers are better than others at controlling the spam that comes to you. I personally have several email accounts with different carriers and I believe that the ones that you can use for free are the ones that have less controls, and those are the ones that I too have trouble with. Here are some tips from me...

1. Don't reply or respond to any unsolicited emails that want to give you something for free, like winning the lottery, want to deposit money into your bank account or whatever. Those are bogus and are focusing on trying to deceive you but will sting you in the end. Delete them when they come into your inbox.

2. Don't open up unsolicited emails from people you have never heard of. Many contain virus' and your computer will be much happier if it doesn't get sick. You will be happier too, when you don't have to replace your hard drive because of a virus.

3. That delete button is there for a reason.... use it.

4. Like the old saying goes... if it is too good to be true, then it probably is.

5. If your current email carrier cannot control your spam, then change to one that can. The free ones are usually the worst for letting spam get through. If you have the ability to set your spam blocker controls higher, do it. If not, change to a more reliable carrier.

6. If you have to pay a small monthly fee to get better email service, it is worth it to not have the headache of dealing with unwanted solicitations and spam. Make your life easier in any way you can, and this one is a simple solution.

I hope that I have helped you. Emailing is a really great way to communicate and I love the technology and the Internet. It can bless your life, but if it is cursing your life, then do what you can to make a change. Oh and don't give out any personal information. Identity theft happens all the time. Don't let it catch you!

Happy Emailings,
Mrs. G